Friday, April 26, 2024
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Tag: rider

5 mistakes made by new horse riders

Want to learn to ride a horse? Here are a few common mistakes made by new horse riders – and how to avoid them! Whether...

How meditation makes you a better rider

Meditation helps you quiet your mind and find mental focus. That’s a great state to be in when riding or being with your horse. We...

Achieve greater mobility with the Pelvic Clock

Combat stiffness in your hips, improve pelvic mobility, and develop a better seat with this simple exercise. This lesson, commonly referred to as the “Pelvic...

How acupressure can improve rider comfort

Over time, riders experience aches and pains that result from performing repetitive movements on horseback. Acupressure can help restore rider comfort and improve performance. Anatomically,...

How a mini-trampoline can keep riders in shape

When the days get short, it’s hard to find enough riding time. A mini-trampoline can be just the thing to keep you fit and...

Why liability insurance is vital to equestrian professionals

Horseback riding can be a risky business. Liability insurance is a very important consideration for any stable owner, horse trainer or riding instructor. Every sport...

Why rider fitness and posture are so important

You carefully manage your horse’s fitness program – but does your own posture and fitness level match up with his? You pay attention to your...

Proper hydration for equestrians

You understand the importance of proper hydration for your horse, so you always make sure he gets the right amount of water and electrolytes...

Planning your equestrian vacation

A riding vacation doesn’t have to be a far-off dream – get started on planning your trip with these tips from the pros! Many of...

Abnormal equine posture

Understanding abnormal equine posture and how rehabilitation intervention can help. Why should we care about posture in horses? Because posture affects the complex interactions of...